Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Turkey Day Basking
  I see all these effing colors on the screen that make up this white page that looks at me. Blues, reds, a barf orange color. I wonder if people ever have orange barf and its all super bright.
  It doesn't matter, I haven't barfed in a while. I have feelings tonight, tomorrow being thanksgiving. I am thankful for the good things that I have. I like to say thank you for my problems too.
  Thank you that I have something to fix, something to worry about, something to figure out. Something to make me feel so sad that I feel like dying. Thank you, because if I had never had any of those kinds of experiences and felt that kind of pain, what would we have to compare our joys too?
  If we were happy all the time, if nothing went wrong, then we wouldn't be as thankful for our happiness. We wouldn't be able to feel the happy side of the spectrum if there is no opposite side.
  Thank you for letting me hurt and cry, bleed and scream, burn with rage and hold myself and beg for the end. Because now I can smile, and bask in the simple joy of it. Smile and say thank you.

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