Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Holy Cow, It's Political
  What I really find baffling is the fact that people choose to go against good. It's so simple, good is good. It's called evil for a reason. Don't take away our freedoms, we want those.
  You think we don't know what's good for us? You want to make the decisions for us humans? Us everyday people? Well, what are you? Who are you to assume you're higher up than us and therefore know best? Because you took some college classes and got promoted in the right job a few times? Did you know that you are a human too? You are the same as the rest of us. Don't you dare put yourself above us and pretend you can play God.
  When you get the power to create worlds and become all knowing and omnipotent then you can begin to decide what is best for the rest if us. Until then, let's listen to everybody. That way, we can all choose. We all have a say in our fate. Because now, if it goes down the drain and you're the one stearing the boat, guess where the fingers will point. And there will be blood. You can bet on that.

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