Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Clean Chalk Board
  So I believe that I'm making progress. The urge seems faint, the fire not so big, I wish I could extinguish it altogether, but then life would suck later.
  This is the time when things start to change, to move, because I'm moving. It's a new year, I'm going to a new place, its time for me to start over. Fresh, hopefully clean. It's so hard to tell when I feel like the line has been disconnected. Just that hollow beeping tone, I can't feel it anymore. Please, make my heart soft, let me hear You again.
    I feel so scared but sometimes you've got to jump into something for your own good and hopefully you'll be too distracted by what's happening that you won't think about later, about the past.
  I'm a chalk board wiped clean, I hope thing next thing written is a beautiful word, no obscenities, no melancholy phrases. Let it be good. Let me be good.

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